Amphasys Virtual Amphacademy Header

Pollen Quality Matters - Learn Why!

The Amphacademy is an international symposium for experts and researchers engaged in plant breeding and seed production. The focus of the Amphacademy is on practical applications of pollen quality monitoring. It is our aim to show methods for the use of Amphasys Pollen Analyzers to get the best results for data-driven decision making. 

From September 13 – 14, 2022, we will provide a series of expert sessions and external keynote lectures.

Virtual Sessions - Preliminary Program

We provide a series of online sessions streamed via Zoom Webinar. Please have a look at our preliminary program below. Please register for each session seperately!

Tuesday September 13

Wednesday September 14



All of our sessions were held using Zoom Webinar. Each session is an individual webinar.

Amphacademy Archive

Please be aware, that during the sessions, all participants are in a “viewer only” mode. Participants are muted and the video is turned off. Participants can not see the names of other participants. This allows us to ensure the privacy of all participants. 

Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.