Pepper Pollen Quality Analysis
Why Measuring Pepper Pollen Quality?
Sufficient pollen viability and pollen amount are essential for a high seed set and are indispensable for a cost-efficient seed production. Pepper pollen quality analysis is crucial for identifying high pollen quality lines as early as during the breeding process, saving both time and resources not only in breeding, but also later in production research and seed production.
Additionally, this valuable analysis provides breeders with an in-depth knowledge about the genotype-phenotype interaction, helps to avoid environmentally induced plant stress by suggesting the proper line placement in respect to the climate zones, and decreases the chance of unsuccessful pollination.
Our Pepper chip features automated data analysis of pollen viability and counting. It provides instant results, as well as time and resource efficient in-field and greenhouse measurements.
Ask the experts!
We provide support & consultancy for the optimization of your pollen analyses for breeding and production processes
Characterization of pollen quality of inbred lines in breeding
Improvement of Pepper seed production
Characterization of Pollen Quality of Inbred Lines in Breeding
Identify the best pollinators
Viable pollen is a basic requirement for successful pollination. However, the viability can differ between the lines. Our Pepper chip with automated data analysis offers a fast, reliable, and cost-efficient solution for line-screening.
Check successful fertility restoration
Especially working with CMS lines, a proper fertility restoration is mandatory. Our technology can help you to determine the efficiency of pollen viability restoration.
Improvement of Pepper Seed Production
Seed production yield of Pepper crops can be strongly influenced by environmental factors, such as heat and drought stress. The appearance and amount of aberrant cells, which are aborted cells during pollen development, is a strong indicator for abiotic stress. The measurement of pollen viability and determination of aberrant cells with our technology should therefore be a standard parameter in line characterization and considered for purposeful crop-placement.
Detect stressed lines
The plot represents a heat-stressed line. The large proportion of aberrant cells goes in parallel with a much lower number of viable cells and indicates a much lower tolerance to the climatic conditions. Seed production of this line should therefore take place under more moderate conditions or should not be further considered for seed production.

Preserve pollen and increase success in artificial pollination

Amphasys Pollen Analyzers
Amphasys Pollen Analyzers provide pollen quality metrics which enable you to improve your plant breeding and seed production processes:
The Ampha Z40 is a high-end laboratory device. It offers full flexibility for all research tasks and predefined templates for routine quality control.
The Ampha P20 is a mobile high-tech instrument for greenhouses and fields. With its easy handling and automated data analysis you get immediate results on site.