Amphacademy 2023
The real potential of "Pollen Quality Monitoring" for breeding and seed production!
Amphacademy is the annual international symposium organized by Amphasys, aimed at industry professionals and researchers engaged in plant breeding and seed production.
The 9th edition of the symposium focused on the latest trends and applications in pollen analysis. Additionally, participants had a chance to get hands-on experience using our brand-new instruments, software and crop-specific chips, and they discovered the methods to achieve the best results for data-driven decision making.
Amphacademy 2023 provided a platform for sharing insights, gaining knowledge, and exploring new possibilities with accurate and efficient pollen quality monitoring in breeding programs and optimizing seed production processes.
Presentations by Amphasys experts and external guest speakers were live-streamed over the internet, providing a learning and collaborating platform for everyone worldwide.
The additional product trainings, workshops, and social events were exclusively offered to the on-site participants.
Check out the recordings of this year’s sessions, and stay tuned for the upcoming events!
Amphacademy 2023 Recordings:
Why Pollen Quality Matters!
In this session, Dr. Jörg Schrickel explains which information can be extracted from systematic pollen quality measurements and shows in case studies, how this information can be used to improve efficency, save costs and increase reliability in plant breeding and seed production.
All You Need – Amphasys Pollen Analyzers
In this session, Dr. Georg Röll presents Amphasys’ latest product innovations and talks about how they make pollen quality monitoring more convenient and what level of information they provide.
Cucurbits in a Smart Way
In this session, Alexandra Abanto talks about the new smart chip for cucurbits and the benefits of automated data analysis and easy handling. She presents robust methods for sampling and sample preparation for pollen analysis, as well as findings during the chip development.
How Ampha P20 could Simplify Sunflower Seed Production
In this session, Guillaume Vallin explains how the pollen quality behaviour of sunflower inbred lines have an impact on the seed production quality or potential and how we could adapt the sowing protocol or production location to control a bad pollen quality.
It Takes Two to Tango: Pollen and Ovule Analysis by Impedance Flow Cytometry
In this session, Iris Heidmann gives an overview of her work with breeders and seed producers. It is explained why crosses fail due to an array of various factors like genetics, growing conditions, or poor pollen handling and how IFC was used for monitoring. In the second part of her talk, Iris shows her first results on ovule analysis.
Evaluation of Methods to Asses the Quality of Cryopreserved Solanaceae pollen
In this session, Nathalia Langedijk presents the results of a collaborative research project of Enza Zaden and Amphasys, focusing on the evaluation of pollen quality analysis methods for their suitability in routine quality control of cryopreserved pollen batches.
Amphacademy 2023: Seed Course
How Pollination Affects Your Business
In his presentation, Jan Droppers takes you from breeding selections all the way to inventory, and explains how pollination has an impact on many steps in between.
The Value of Pollen Testing in Tomato and Onion Seed Production