Single Cell Analysis with
Impedance Flow Cytometry
These single cell analysis applications are currently implemented in research settings or in beta testing. Please contact us for further information on specific applications and customized OEM solutions.
Yeast cultures are at the heart of many production processes for food and alcoholic beverages, the production of pharmaceuticals and even as nutritional supplements.
For the milk industry, the quality of raw milk is a major concern. High somatic cell counts are mainly caused by bacterial infections and bacterial contamination. These infections originate from insufficient equipment sanitation or cleansing of the cow’s udder and teats. The presence of high concentrations of somatic cells have an adverse impact on the milk products.
Amphasys’ single cell analysis technology allows a direct determination of the somatic cell count in untreated raw milk. This application is in beta testing – please inquire.
Discriminating viable bacterial cells from dead ones is a difficult task, even with fluorescence-based flow cytometers (FACS).
Label-free single cell analysis with Impedance Flow Cytometry at high frequencies permits a clear distinction of live and dead cells for bacteria with a size of 2 µm and larger, for bioprocess optimization and quality control applications.
Staurosporine is a protein kinase inhibitor and apoptosis inducer. The response of BL2 cells to Staurosporine treatment was investigated with a time course experiment. In the figure a distinct change of the viable cell population upon Staurosporine treatment can be seen.
Nanomaterials (NMs) have gained enormous attention due to their unique properties and have found use everywhere in daily life applications.
However, this widespread use resulted in an increased release of NMs and raised concerns on their adverse impact on the environment and on human health.
Until recently, there was a lack of standardized methods to assess the toxicity potential of these NMs as traditional toxicity assays have been shown to interfere with NMs resulting in false negatives or false positives.
Impedance Flow Cytometry offers an alternative analytical tool to effectively and reliably screen for nanotoxicity that does not interfere with the NMs.
Consultancy Services
Amphasys offers consultancy services to answer your questions and for optimization of your analyses and processes.

Single Cell Sample Analysis
- You have heard about single cell analysis by Impedance Flow Cytometry and would like to see how your cells can be analyzed?
- You want to see the results of a specific measurement before taking further steps?
- You want to determine the quality of one of your cell cultures (yeast, bacteria, spores)?
No problem! You send us your sample and we run the measurement for you. Our experts will then discuss the results with you and provide the data.

Consultancy Services
- You want to measure the cytotoxic effect of reagents on your human or animal cell lines?
- You are interested in finding a label-free solution to determine the quality of your cell cultures?
- You want to characterize your microbial cell cultures (yeast, bacteria, spores) and identify potential contaminations?
We are happy to help! Our cell- and micro- biologists understand your problems and will develop feasible solutions based on our IFC technology!
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