Customer Success Story:
Aerial Solutions for Agriculture - How Drone Technology Teams Up with Pollen Analysis

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13. September 2022, 4 PM, CEST

Virtual Amphacademy 2022

Learn how the Ampha Z32 is used to evaluate viable pollen to be applied by Drones.

Dropcopter is a US based company offering services to farmers by spraying material over orchards with multirotor drones. Specifically, pollen is applied on fruit orchards for supplementary pollination. Using the Ampha Z32 for pollen quality control, the right pollen can be applied to the right places in the field at the right time.

In this online session, Matt Koball, Co-Founder of Dropcopter, will provide an overview of the company’s business model and how pollen measurements help growers achieve better fruit set and harvest.

More specifically, Matt will talk about:

  • Natural pollination vs. mechanical pollination
  • A scientific approach to pollination issues that are affecting global food production
  • Recent projects
  • How to increase productivity with Artificial Aerial Pollination

Key learnings from this session:

  • Know about the importance of good pollen quality for fruit production
  • Know the impact of supplementary pollination in fruit orchards
  • Know recent developments in precision agriculture

Watch the Recording!

Your Hosts

Portrait Matt Koball

Matt Koball

Co-Founder of Dropcopter

Portrait of Dr. Gorka Santos

Dr. Gorka Santos

Regional Sales Manager