Cell Analysis by Impedance Flow Cytometry
Amphasys’ cell analyzers are based on Impedance Flow Cytometry. This means that an electrical field is applied in the microfluidic chip and the changes of the electrical resistance (impedance) of the fluidic medium are measured when cells pass through the applied electric field. The absence of optical components reduces set-up times and maintenance to a minimum.
The novel Ampha X30 opens a new era of cell analysis: simultaneous measurement of cell count and cell viability, and in addition more information about the status of the cells, like metabolic activity. Based on Impedance Flow Cytometry, no dyes, no markers, and no incubation are required. Results are available after minutes – including sample preparation! With one instrument and four different chip sizes of the microfluidic chip the whole range of cells can be measured: bacteria, human and animal cells, algae, yeast, and others like somatic cells in milk.

Patented Biochip Technology

The heart of the cytometer consists of a patented microfluidic chip equipped with microelectrodes. This high-sensitivity sensor measures changes of the electrical resistance (impedance) of the fluidic medium when cells or other particles pass through the applied electric field.
To ensure the highest possible sensitivity, Amphasys provides chips of different diameters for the whole range of small to large pollen cells (up to 200 µm).
Amphasys guarantees for 1000 measurements of one chip (misuse excluded).
A technology that provides detailed insights into small structures like cells need a software that enables in-depth analysis.
The lab instrument Ampha X30 is equipped with the newest version of AmphaSoft, which allows easier operation and data analysis. Software can be upgraded to AmphaSoft Pro, which allows to uncover all research details and display the results in a clear and comprehensive way.