The Asian Solanaceous Round Table Conference
The Asia and Pacific Seed Association and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research are organizing the Asian Solanaceous Round Table (ASRT), a conference bringing together experts in solanaceous breeding and research with the goal to overcome Solanum, Capsicum productivity challenges in Asia. The conference will be held in Bangalore, India, from May 11 to 13, 2022.
Breeding for Heat Tolerance using the Amphasys Pollen Analyzer
Viable pollen is crucial for obtaining high fruit and seed yield. However, facing global climate change pollen development of solanaceous plants is highly affected by abiotic stresses, such as heat, drought, and radiation. One approach to solving this problem lies in breeding more heat-tolerant lines.
Because of his vast experience in the field of pollen development, Dr. Darío Sanchez has been invited to speak about phenotyping lines for pollen viability.
He will present practical application examples for monitoring pollen quality with Amphasys’s Impedance Flow Cytometer. In addition, he will explain how the information provided by the Ampha P20 Pollen Analyzer can be used along all stages from early research in plant breeding up to commercial seed production.