
Presentation at CSEM in Alpnach

At the CSEM Microtalk in Alpnach, Amphasys will present its novel “lab-on-chip” technology and applications. The mobile equipment in combination with the label-free analysis enable many applications which were previously not possible.


Amphasys enters the Chinese and Indian Markets

Together with our local distribution partner Manyara Biotech and its Indian subsidiary Metal Hands the highly innovative solutions for mobile and label-free single cell analysis are now made available through their branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan (China) as well as in Mumbai (India). Amphasys technology is already being used in 17 countries in 4 continents. See for more details.


Bachelor Thesis supported by Amphasys wins Lab Sciences Award

The Veronika and Hugo Bohny Stiftung recognizes exceptional Bachelor Theses with the “Lab Sciences Award”. Amphasys has contributed support and the topic of “Signal processiong and data mining in impedance flow cytometry”. The two students Simon Castelberg and Sebastian Lang have succeeded in working out an algorythm for an optimized signal processing which will be available in future AmphaSoft releases (see StartupTicker).

Amphasys workshop on pollen quality analysis at PAG.

Amphasys at PAG in San Diego (January 9 – 13, 2016)

At the upcoming International Plant & Animal Genome conference in San Diego Amphasys will present its “lab-on-chip” technology which enables efficient and reproducible determination of pollen viability, ploidy and developmental stages of microspores. In a collaboration with New York based Neutec Group, the highly innovative solutions from Amphasys are now made available to customers in the U.S.A. and Canada.

Amphasys Founders: Marco DiBerardino and Marcel Ottiger

Amphasys in the newspaper

Innovation made in Switzerland: In connection with the IHZ-Price ceremony where Amphasys was awarded for “exceptional accomplishments in development and design of innovative, technology-oriented and know-how based products, processes and services” by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Central Switzerland (IHZ), the Swiss newspaper “Neue Luzerner Zeitung” has published a report about Amphasys.

Amphasys Products BullCase

New Products and Services

Ampha Z30 is now more mobile than ever: With our new rechargeable batteries the Instrument can be operated independent of any power plug. A battery provides power for about 4 to 5 hours. They are available as single pieces, as a double battery kit or as part of the mobility kitincluding a robust transport case and a 12 V car adapter.
Inspired by requests from users and based on our own experience we now provide three support and maintenance plans.